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Generator für Cookie-Banner auf Ihrer Website oder App

If you have an app or website that targets EU users, you will need to take the time to create a cookie banner for your site.

A cookie banner, also called a GDPR cookie notice, informs users that your site runs cookies and gives them the option to access more details and either grant or reject consent.

GDPR cookie banner example or EU cookie notice

Furthermore, if you use any non-exempt cookies or scripts on your site or app, under EU law you must block these scripts from running until the user grants consent. You can read more about that here.

What should the GDPR cookie notice contain?

At its most basic, the banner should contain a short explanation of the purpose of cookies that the site uses and a clear statement on which action will signify consent. The banner must also be sufficiently noticeable and link to a cookie policy or make details of the categories of cookies, cookie purposes, usage, and related third-party activity, available.

Cookie Banner Generator

Our Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution lets you generate a GDPR cookie notice, link to a cookie policy (as legally required), block cookies until consent is collected and asynchronously run scripts once consent is collected.

Create your cookie consent banner

Create your own EU cookie consent banner for free by using the generator below.

Generate a cookie banner

About us


Cookie consent management for the ePrivacy, GDPR and CCPA


See also