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Don’t make these 5 mistakes when collecting cookie consent

Are you using cookies on your site? You should display a cookie banner to collect user consent. Here are 5 common mistakes that you should avoid.

cookie consent mistakes

Mistake #1: Your banner does not have an explicit Reject option ❌

Why is this wrong? Almost all European Data Protection Authorities state that there must be a clear option for rejecting or refusing to give consent, which must be just as visible as the Accept option.

✅ How to fix

Make sure to add a Reject button to your banner to give your users the possibility to refuse cookies. If you’re using the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution by iubenda, this is pretty easy, as this setting is enabled by default!

Mistake #2: Your cookie notice is available in just one language ❌

Why is this wrong? This is a mistake when your website is available in more than one language. You need to make sure your users get a clear understanding of your banner.

💡 The content of the banner also differs depending on the region of users. For example, California has its own data protection law called the CPRA (CCPA amendment), which requires mentioning specific information.

✅ How to fix

A Consent Management Platform (CMP) like iubenda can help you. You can pre-select your desired languages, and the software automatically shows a cookie banner that is compliant with the applicable law in the correct language(s), depending on the user’s geolocation.

Mistake #3: You have the banner, but you are not blocking cookie scripts ❌

Why is this wrong? According to the law on cookies, no cookie can be installed on the user’s browser without their consent. This means that scripts of a Facebook Like button, for example, can’t be executed.

✅ How to fix

As this is quite technical, the best way to handle this, once again, is with a dedicated tool that can do this automatically.

Mistake #4: You do not store user’s cookie consent preferences ❌

Why is this wrong? Collecting consent is one thing. Keeping a record of consent and preferences is another. The vast majority of Data Protection Authorities across the EU have emphasized this requirement (which stems from the GDPR).

✅ How to fix

Just like the previous point, this is definitely tricky to implement. The iubenda CMP has a specific tool called the Cookie and Consent Preference Logs which stores proofs of users’ consent preferences. You can retrieve the information at any time via a dedicated dashboard.

Mistake #5: Your documentation is not up-to-date ❌

Why is this wrong? For example, you could have forgotten to mention in your policy a new technology that is now running and installing cookies on users’ devices.

However, you must inform users in your cookie policy, which is likely linked in your cookie banner. Your document is, therefore, incomplete.

✅ How to fix

With iubenda’s Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator, documents are interactive and can be updated anytime. Add, remove, and edit the technologies listed in the policy and used on your website.

Avoid or fix all the mistakes above with iubenda’s all-in-one platform

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