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How Are the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution Pageviews Calculated?

To operate properly, the iubenda Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution counts the number of pageviews generated by the website. This is also done to provide the user with useful information regarding the collection of the consent, such as the percentage of consent on the total visits, the manner in which the consent was collected and so on.

The count of the pageviews is carried on by counting the number of executions of the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution script. Whenever the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution code runs, our software records a pageview.

In order to find out the number of generated pageviews:
  • head to your dashboard;
  • select the site for which you want to check the pageviews;
  • click on the gear icon in the top-right corner to access the site settings;
  • navigate to “Manage subscription” and scroll to the bottom to check the pageviews.

Why does the amount of pageviews calculated by iubenda not coincide with the pageviews calculated with Google Analytics?

The number of pageviews calculated by our software may differ from those calculated using other statistical software such as Google Analytics, ShinyStat or Matomo/Piwik. This difference is due to the fact that the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution automatically excludes from the counting, the pageviews generated by bots.

Are the pageviews calculated only at the first visit of each user?

Once the consent has been collected, the banner will disappear and the scripts/cookies that were subjected to the prior consent are immediately released. This is possible because the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution script continues working behind the scenes, recognizing the users who have already given their consent.

For this reason the pageview is not recorded only at the first visit of each user, but also during all subsequent visits. The Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution script, in fact, runs continuously – even if the banner is not displayed and the blocking of scripts not executed.

See also