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How to Manage Your Licenses [All Legacy Guides]

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In 2023, we have updated our pricing structure. If you have been in our client base before that, you are most likely on a plan structure divided in license slots.

If that’s the case, then this overview is for you, should you need any information. We have listed all our guides on the topic below.

Click on the links if you wish to know more on the topic:

➡️ Pricing FAQs [Legacy Guide]

Switch to a plan more adapted to what you need:
➡️ How to Modify Your Pricing Plan (Single and Multi-license)

The privacy and cookie policy is the legal document that you can integrate into your site or app using iubenda. Every policy and each translation thereof requires the purchase of a license:
➡️ What Is the Difference Between License and Policy?

Move your licenses around in between documents:
➡️ Swap Licenses from One Privacy Policy to Another

It is not possible to go on using your paid privacy policy if you don’t renew your Pro subscription:
➡️ Can I Keep the Privacy Policy When I Don’t Renew the PRO License?

The iubenda Pro License for one site can be used to cover subdomains:
➡️ Individual Licenses on Multiple Subdomains

Learn more