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TCF 2.0 Transition Guide

🚨 Important Update:

TCF 2.2 has been successfully rolled out, with the implementation deadline having passed on November 20, 2023. It is crucial for Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) and Vendors to ensure they are fully compliant with the new policies and specifications. IAB Europe is actively enforcing compliance through stringent checks to maintain adherence to GDPR and ePrivacy regulations. If you need assistance, iubenda is already certified for TCF 2.2 and can guide you towards compliance. For a detailed guide on transitioning to TCF 2.2, check out this article.

This guide will help you to understand all the new features and benefits that come with the TCF v2.0 (v1.1 is no longer supported by IAB), and what action you need to take in order to make the switch.

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TCF 2.0 Changes and Updates

TCF 2.0 includes increased functionality, across various aspects of the Framework, for both consumers & publishers. The main changes are listed below.

Do keep in mind that the following information is only relevant if you have the TCF setting enabled within your Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution.

The v2 banner text has been made significantly longer to meet IAB’s requirements. The additional text contains essential disclosures related to the enhanced options that we mention in the sections below.

iubenda cookie banner with support for the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework v2.0

Right to object option included with legitimate interest

While the legal basis of legitimate interest has always been enabled by default, now, the right to object * (to processing based on legitimate interest) is also included as a checkbox directly within the TCF interface.

As with most of our features, you have full customization control and can choose to:

  • disable legitimate interest (which will also remove vendors that only rely on this as a legal interest),
  • only rely on legitimate interest (which will remove all vendors that only rely on consent), or
  • keep the default settings in place.

* On the right to object: Within the TCF, when a user objects using the dedicated checkbox, the objection is handled similarly to a withdrawal/rejection of consent and registered immediately. Therefore, no manual action is required on your part as the Publisher.


googleAdsPreferenceManagement is no longer supported in v2 (however, it will stay supported in v1 for as long as v1 is supported by IAB). Separate Google ad personalization settings are no longer needed (or supported) as Google has officially integrated TCF 2.0 and is now included on the global vendor list.

Any modifications you’ve made to your AdSense and Publisher Tag accounts to support the separate Google Ads preference management settings should be undone as they are no longer needed and are now redundant.

Enhanced publisher options

You may now benefit from more fine-tuned control over the behavior of the TCF functionality. Specifically, you can now:

  • Support consent only
    Publishers can determine that, for certain purposes, only consent and not legitimate interest is a viable legal basis.
  • Support legitimate interest only
    Publishers can determine that, for certain purposes, only legitimate interest and not consent is a viable legal basis.
  • Limit the vendors supported to only those which appear in your Privacy and Cookie policy
    Please note, this option must be enabled within the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution configurator (and not just manually written into the code) for it to be effective.
  • Extended purposes
    The list of purposes has been extended to include more options – with categories like “Ad selection, delivery, reporting” transformed into separate categories like – “Select basic ads”, “Create a personalized ads profile”, “Select personalized ads” etc. Giving you more opportunities to collect consent.
  • Limit purposes
    You can now choose which purposes are presented to the user – disabling certain purposes entirely if needed.
  • PurposeOneTreatment
    When this option is enabled, end-users are not allowed to disable purpose 1: “Store and/or access information on a device”, meaning that the user’s consent is not required. This option should only be enabled if legally supported by the legislation that applies to you (e.g. German legislation). More on the advanced guide.
  • enableCMP replaced by enableTcf
    The enableCMP boolean within the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution is now enableTCF. In general, this doesn’t directly affect you as all parameters and settings that use enableCMP have been automatically updated to support the new name. Furthermore, as enableCMP is integrated with TCF v1, it will remain supported for as long as v1 is supported by IAB.

đź’ˇ You can try the new configuration options yourself here

Which action is required on your part

In order to make the transition:

  1. In the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution configurator, enable the “IAB TCF” Transparency and Consent Framework tab

    Enable IAB Transparency and Consent Framework v2.0

    and ensure that when you click “Edit” the consent checkboxes are checked: “Support Google’s Additional Consent Mode, to gather consent for Google’s advertising partners that do not adhere to the TCF”; and “Request new consent from users that had previously provided consent, if the IAB Framework preference is not found”.

    Enable IAB Transparency and Consent Framework v2.0 - Settings

    This will add "tcfVersion": 2 and update the stub.js script on your Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution snippet. For example:

    1. <script type="text/javascript">
    2. ...
    3. _iub.csConfiguration = {
    4. "lang": "en",
    5. "siteId": XXXXXX, //use your siteId
    6. "cookiePolicyId": YYYYYY, //use your cookiePolicyId
    7. "enableTcf": true,
    8. "tcfVersion": 2,
    9. ...
    10. };
    11. </script>
    12. <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.iubenda.com/cs/tcf/stub-v2.js"></script>
    13. <script>...</script>

    In addition, if you’ve enabled the synchronous activator option (required if you’re not directly blocking the vendor scripts), you’ll notice that the safe-tcf.js script will be replaced by safe-tcf-v2.js

  2. If you had Google ads personalization set up on your site and made modifications to support it, please undo these modifications as they are now obsolete (as mentioned above, Google has now integrated TCF 2.0).


Remember that from August 15th 2020, TCF v1.1 will no longer be supported by The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). This means that if you haven’t switched to TCF v2 settings, your set-up will be unsupported, potentially negatively affecting your ad revenue. iubenda will continue to support v1.1 alongside v2 until this time.

You can view IAB’s transition timeline here.

💡 Please note that we now fully support v2.0, and by updating your settings in the manner above, you will already be aligned with v2.0 well before the end of IAB’s transition period.

Will the update require any action from end-users?

Because the banner text and some internal options have been modified for v2.0, all end-users will be served with a fresh banner on their first visit to your site (post switch-over) as legally required.

If you’ve enabled “remember consent” within the configurator, once consent is granted by a particular user, the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solutionn will remember that consent, as per usual, for up to 12 months, after which time, the user will again be served with a fresh banner.

As with all features, these settings can be customized within your Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution configurator.

If you have any questions or need help at any time, please feel free to reach out to us via chat, or at info@iubenda.com

See also