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Get Your Cookie Policy for the Wunderfarm Plugin with iubenda

There are 3 basic steps for cookie compliance:

  • inform your users of your use of cookies via some sort of banner
  • inform them in-depth in a real cookie policy, linking from the banner
  • make sure you do not install cookies before user consent for some categories of cookies

This is a quick guide to show you how you can get set up with a cookie policy for your convenient use in the WF Cookie Consent plugin for WordPress. This process is very straight forward and will only take you a few minutes.Generate your Cookie Policy Now

Steps for getting set up with iubenda and WF Cookie Consent

If you need some visual guidance, you can follow each of the steps below:

  • Step 1 on iubenda: Generate your cookie policy link on iubenda
  • Step 2 in the WF Cookie Consent plugin: Add your link in the WF Cookie Consent plugin admin area

Step 1 on iubenda: Generate your cookie policy link on iubenda

Sign up and generate your privacy and cookie policy. This will take you only a couple of minutes.

1) Generate your privacy policy

Sign up on iubenda by following the link – and claim your 10% off. This is made possible by the partnership between WF Cookie Consent and iubenda.

Sign up to activate your 10% off
Just add your site’s domain into one of the input forms on iubenda, then click “generate new policy” (see the screenshot below).


What’s important to understand here is that your iubenda cookie policy is linked to your privacy policy. By creating a privacy policy you will also automatically be generating your cookie policy. So first of all, your privacy policy needs to be set up by outlining some of the data processing happening on your site. Don’t worry we make that process dead easy:

  • Sign up to iubenda using the link you’ll find within the WF Cookie Consent plugin
  • Click generate your policy and add your site name into the form
  • This will take you to your dashboard where you add your privacy-relevant information like third party services, or the fact that you collect email addresses for your newsletter
  • Click “add service
  • What services are you using on your site? Example: add MailChimp, contact form, AdRoll, Google Analytics
  • Click “save and close
  • Now you have your privacy policy that you can look at in the sidebar preview (tap the preview)

And then add the cookie policy with one more click (see the screenshot below).

2) Add the cookie policy and copy the cookie policy link


  • In the sidebar on the right: find “activate cookie policy
  • A modal window will open, scroll all the way down where you’ll find your cookie policy link. Copy it. (ignore the code above the link, you don’t need that with the WF Cookie Consent plugin, it basically outputs iubenda’s own version of a cookie banner). Close the modal window.
  • Back in the dashboard click “next” to finish the generation of the cookie and privacy policy.

Get the direct link or the embedding code to add to your site (see the screenshot below)


  • Now you’re in the embedding section of your privacy and cookie policy. You can skip it and tap next again, since we already have your link.
  • p.s. you can always find the cookie policy link in the sidebar widget for the cookie policy, or in the integration tab, once it’s been generated.

Step 2 WF Cookie Consent: Add your link to the WF Cookie Consent plugin admin area


Back in the WF Cookie Consent settings, go to “Link text to provide more information”. Now add your iubenda cookie policy link and you’re done! If you want to alternatively link to an existing page on your WordPress install, follow the Bonus step 1 below.

Sign up to activate your 10% off

Bonus step 1: Add the cookie policy to an existing page on your WordPress install

Instead of linking to our hosted cookie policy from your WF Cookie Consent banner, you can embed your cookie policy onto a page in your WordPress install. To do that follow the steps below – or read more details in our help post:

  • Go back to the integration options page in your privacy policy
  • Copy the embedding code for the privacy policy
  • In order to achieve the direct integration of the cookie policy we need to use the same code used for the privacy policy and change it by adding /cookie-policy to the end of the privacy policy URL.
  • This will make your cookie policy look like it’s on your site and will let you style it to your heart’s content, but you can still make any changes right from the iubenda admin dashboard!
  • Go to your WF Cookie Consent settings and select the page you just created located in “Page to provide more information”.

Example code for the cookie policy embedding:

<a class="iubenda-white iub-body-embed iubenda-embed" title="Cookie Policy" href="//www.iubenda.com/privacy-policy/abcDXYZ/cookie-policy">Cookie Policy</a><script type="text/javascript">
(function (w,d) {var loader = function () {var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.src = "//cdn.iubenda.com/iubenda.js"; tag.parentNode.insertBefore(s,tag);}; if(w.addEventListener){w.addEventListener("load", loader, false);}else if(w.attachEvent){w.attachEvent("onload", loader);}else{w.onload = loader;}})(window, document);

Bonus step 2: Add any of 8 languages to your cookie policy

The iubenda Cookie Policy is available in a multilingual version. You can therefore manage banner and cookie policy visualization in US English as well as in the other languages included in the generator (such as UK English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese). Here’s how:

1. You must first “Edit” your policy and “Add Language”.


2. Each language has its own dedicated link that must be inserted into the WF Cookie Consent setting as described in detail in this guide.


Apply each language cookie policy url under “Link text to provide more information” section


Bonus step 3: Use the privacy policy on your site as well

Now you do not only have a cookie policy, but you also have a beautiful and professional privacy policy (since the cookie policy and the privacy policy are logically linked). You can implement and add that privacy policy to your site as well. Just as with the cookie policy, you have very good reasons to make good use of a privacy policy:

the privacy policy is mandatory practically everywhere.

You will find the entire guide to adding your privacy policy to your site in our documentation here.