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Do third-parties have to be listed in my cookie policy?

If your website can be visited by European users and it installs cookies, you have to provide a compliant cookie policy (among other things). In terms of provenance, there are two types of cookies – first-party and third-party. Let’s see what are the requirements for this last category.

Privacy and cookie policy

What are third-party cookies?

Unlike first-party cookies (put on a visitor’s device directly by the website he’s visiting), third-party cookies are placed on his device, not by the website he’s visiting, but by a third party.

Ad-retargeting services and social-button plugins are known to place third-party cookies in the browser and enable cross-site tracking and advertising.

Do I have to list third-party cookies in my cookie policy?

Although not all UE member states share UK’s ICO guidelines (“if you use any third party cookies, you must clearly and specifically name who the third parties are and explain what they will do with the information”), it’s certainly the best and most common practice to do so.

How iubenda can help you create a cookie policy

Our Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator is affordable, available in several languages, lawyer crafted, customizable and self-updating.

It easily allows you to create a beautiful, precise privacy policy and seamlessly integrate it with your website. You can simply add any of several pre-created clauses at the click of a button or easily write your own custom clauses.

The privacy policy also comes with the option to include a cookie policy in just one click. The policies are customized to your needs and remotely maintained by a legal team.

Create a privacy and cookie policy for your website

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About us


Attorney-level solutions to make your websites and apps compliant with the law across multiple countries and legislations.


See also