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How to add Google AdSense to Squarespace

To monetize your Squarespace site, you can include ads on your blog using third-party services like Google AdSense.

To do this, you’ll need to paste code from Google AdSense into Code Blocks, a Squarespace premium feature available in Business and Commerce plan. Using Code Blocks, you’ll be able to display the ads where you prefer:

  • Sign in to your AdSense account, create a display ad unit and copy its code
    • Click Ads > Ad units > Display ads
    • Give your ad unit a unique, descriptive name
    • In the “Ad size” section, choose the size of the ads that you’d like to show (we recommend you to leave “Responsive” selected)
    • Click Save and get code
    • Copy the ad unit code
  • Place the ad on your site by pasting the code into a Code Block, and you’re done

Note: Google sometimes recommends uploading an ads.txt file to your root level domain, but this isn’t currently possible on Squarespace.

Are you gaining consent before showing personalized ads?

In order to comply with Google’s updated EU Consent policy, publishers wishing to run personalized ads via Google services like AdSense are required to ensure that explicit consent to ad personalization is collected before displaying personalized ads for end-users based in the EAA (European Union member states and Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway).

Where this requirement is not met, Google will serve your EEA end-users with non-personalized ads by default, potentially impacting your ad revenue.

In this guide you’ll find out how you can  give users the opportunity to consent to or reject processing for Google’s ad personalization with our cookie management solution.

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