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How to invoke Cookie Solution API methods from an iframe

If the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution is embedded inside an iframe, all the _iub.cs.api methods can be called through postMessage. Here are some examples of how such calls can be made.

postMessage format

The API needs to receive a postMessage call in the following JSON format:

    __iubCsCall: { 
        command: <api-function-name>, 
        parameters: [...], 
        callId: <a-string-or-integer> 


  • command (string) is the name of the API function you want to call
  • parameters (array) is a list of parameters you’re sending to the API function
  • callId (string | int) is the Id used to verify that the returned output is for the same API call


Assuming that the target iframe is on https://example.com, we can send this API call:

        __iubCsCall: {
            command: 'isConsentGiven',
            parameters: [],
            callId: 1

This will call the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution API function isConsentGiven() with no parameters. The output will be returned via postMessage as a JSON string.

In order for the message event to capture this output you’ll need a listener. Depending on the current Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution state, the listener will look like this:

    "__iubCsReturn": {
        "returnValue": false,
        "success": true,
        "callId": 1

Example with parameters

Here’s how you can pass parameters to your postMessage call:

        __iubCsCall: {
            command: 'storeConsent',
            parameters: [{
                consent: false
            callId: 2

This call to the storeConsent() function will set consent to false and store a consent cookie.

Refresh the page to see the effects of this call. After that, you can verify that the consent is set to false by evaluating _iub.cs.consent.consent in the console (it should output false).

The postMessage JSON output should look like this:

    "__iubCsReturn": {
        "success": true,
        "callId": 2

Example of a malformed postMessage call

Here’s an output of a malformed postMessage call (e.g. an API function that doesn’t exist):

        __iubCsCall: {
            command: 'Consent',
            parameters: [{
                consent: false
            callId: 1

Since there’s no API function called Consent in the Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution, as a result you should get an error like this:

    "__iubCsReturn": {
        "returnValue": null,
        "success": false,
        "callId": 1

See also