Sometimes you need to update the “last updated” information on your privacy policy/terms and conditions to reflect changes in that document.
Whenever you change your privacy policy and terms & conditions in our generator, this is not needed. In those cases (in 99.9% of cases), the generator takes care of this for you.
The very rare case in which you need to do this manually is when iubenda performs updates that we want to be ultimately triggered by the user.
The exact use case is this: we’ve made an update, but we do not want to perform this update without you being in charge of the update. In this scenario, you visit your dashboard and perform this update yourself. Our change is “cached” and not visible to the user unless you update the privacy policy in any way, or trigger the change by using the dedicated button.
We will always let you know if such a case occurs.
There are two possible ways to perform such an update: