A complete set of solutions to make your website or app compliant with the law, on multiple languages and legislations
Create your privacy and cookie policy in minutes. Customizable from 2000+ clauses, available in up to 27 languages and automatically updated if the law changes, our generator allows you to create a legal document in minutes and seamlessly integrate it with your website or app.
Manage consent preferences for the ePrivacy, GDPR, CPRA (CCPA amendment) and LGPD. Integrated with the IAB TCF and CCPA Compliance Framework. Our solution allows you to display a fully customizable cookie banner/consent banner, collect cookie consent, implement prior blocking (including auto-blocking), set advertising preferences, and more.
Create your terms and conditions in minutes.Customizable from hundreds of combinations, available in up to 15 languages, powerful and precise — our solution is capable of handling even the most complex, individual scenarios. Optimized for e-commerce, marketplace, SaaS, apps and more.
Provide an easy-to-use internal reporting channel as required by the EU Whistleblower Directive for organizations with 50+ employees. Instantly generate your forms to embed or print. Collect and manage whistleblower reports from employees and other individuals connected to your organization while safeguarding their identities and ensuring confidentiality. Tailored for EU businesses and global organizations dedicated to ethical transparency.
Collect GDPR & LGPD consent, document opt-ins and CPRA (CCPA amendment) opt-outs via your web forms. Our solution smoothly integrates with your consent collection forms, syncs with your legal documents and includes a user-friendly dashboard for reviewing consent records of your activities.
Document all the data processing activity within your organization. To comply with privacy laws, and particularly the GDPR, companies need to record how they store and use the data they collect from their users. Our solution allows you to easily document all the data processing activities within your organization.
Some of the ways you can use iubenda
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