Privacy Policy of Dropast

Dropast collects some Personal Data from its Users.

Personal Data processed for the following purposes and using the following services:

    • Contacting the User

      • Mailing list or newsletter

        Personal Data: email address; first name; last name

    • Displaying content from external platforms

      • Google Fonts

        Personal Data: Trackers; Usage Data

    • Managing support and contact requests

      • Help Scout

        Personal Data: Data communicated while using the service; Trackers; various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

    • Platform services and hosting

      • PrestaShop, Shopify and Webflow

        Personal Data: various types of Data as specified in the privacy policy of the service

Further information about the processing of Personal Data

    • Shopify

      At Dropast, we prioritize the privacy and security of our merchant's customers' information. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect the data we gather for shipping purposes. We do not sell or share this information with any third parties.

      Information Collection

      We collect the following data from our merchants' customers:

      Email address
      Shipping address
      Phone number

      This information is obtained from the order payload and is solely used for the purpose of shipping products to our merchants' customers. We do not utilize this data for marketing or advertising purposes.

      Data Security Measures

      To safeguard the privacy of our merchants' customers' information, we have implemented robust security measures, which include:

      Secured data centers
      Data encryption
      Access controls

      We regularly review and update these security measures to ensure their effectiveness and to stay current with industry standards.

      If you have any concerns or questions regarding our privacy practices, please do not hesitate to contact us. We value your privacy and will strive to address any issues promptly and responsibly.

      Please note that this policy is subject to change, and any updates will be posted on our website. It is recommended to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any modifications.

    • Selling goods and services online

      The Personal Data collected are used to provide the User with services or to sell goods, including payment and possible delivery.
      The Personal Data collected to complete the payment may include the credit card, the bank account used for the transfer, or any other means of payment envisaged. The kind of Data collected by Dropast depends on the payment system used.

Contact information

    • Owner and Data Controller

      Apikeyz di A.A.

      Owner contact email: