Privacy Policy of

In order to receive information about your Personal Data, the purposes and the parties the Data is shared with, contact the Owner.
For more information and to understand your rights, you can also view the complete version of this privacy policy, by clicking the link at the bottom right of this page.

Contact information

    • Owner and Data Controller

      Green One Capital, SCR, S.A., with registered offices at Avenida da Liberdade 245, 3.º B, 1250-096, Lisboa, parish of Santo António, municipality of Lisboa, with a fully paid-up share capital in the amount of EUR 175,000.00 (one hundred and seventy-five euros) and with single registration and tax identification number 513 885 455, established on March 4, 2016, authorized to manage private equity funds in accordance with the provisions of the RGA and registered with the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (“CMVM”) since December 6, 2016.

      Owner contact email: