Twitter has additional rules for advertisers using their conversion tracking (“website tag”) and tailored audiences products. In Twitter’s words:
Advertisers using these products for their websites must provide their website users with legally sufficient notice that they are working with third parties to collect user data through their website for purposes of conversion tracking and serving ads targeted to users’ interests, including the storing and accessing of cookies, and obtain legally sufficient consent from their users for these activities.
These advertisers must also provide their users with legally sufficient instructions regarding how to opt out of Twitter’s interest-based advertising, including through an applicable opt-out mechanism specified by Twitter (currently found here).
To be clear, having a valid privacy policy is legally required under most countries’ legislations, additionally, Twitter has also made it mandatory that you provide one in order to access their conversion tracking and tailored audiences products.
Apart from the information regarding your use of third-party components for conversion tracking purposes, Twitter requires the basic explanations of how remarketing works with you and Twitter, as well the presence of the opt-out link in your documents.
That’s exactly what we’ve done today. We’ve added a clause called “Twitter Remarketing” to our privacy policy generator ready for you to use and love.
Since a few of lines of Twitter advertising disclosure can’t be considered a complete privacy policy, you’d likely benefit from our generator which generates complete and customizable privacy policies in 8 languages (currently) based on the strictest privacy laws out there (Europe’s with additions for the US and other countries).