Another week for iubenda means another launch of a new language: today we are releasing support for a Spanish privacy policy text. The “política de privacidad” can be generated for both new sites and added to existing ones as translations of another primary policy.
In other words: any Spanish website can now easily craft a Spanish “política de privacidad” through iubenda’s dashboard.
It’s also a perfect fit for Spanish companies that might want to offer their service in another region like Germany (Austria/Switzerland) Italy or any English speaking country.
As with our German privacy policy we’ve been testing the Spanish text internally and are now happy to launch to the public today.
A word about legal grounds
Privacy law in Europe has its legal framework in European privacy directives and state law. The Data Protection Directive and the ePrivacy Directive are the European minimum standards that have to be implemented into member state law:
In Spain mainly two laws regulate the mandatory information on a website. The information a website owner must disclose about himself is regulated within LSSICE (Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de Información de España) and the data protection regulations are contained within the LOPD (Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal de España).
It’s stated in article 5 & 6 of the LOPD that the user needs to be informed of any data collection practices and its purpose along with the users rights regarding their data. This is being done via a “política de privacidad” as you can read up in this helpful document on vendes en internet:
La política de protección de datos personales, informa a los usuarios del procedimiento llevado a cabo por la organización para recoger los datos personales, permitiendo ver a éstos el uso que se les da, y las opciones que tienen las organizaciones respecto a su recogida.
Los datos personales recogidos en las webs se deberán tratar de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en la LOPD 15/1999, y deberán ser tratados de manera confidencial.
Los usuarios pueden ejercitar los derechos de oposición, acceso e información, rectificación, cancelación y revocación de su autorización a la utilización de sus datos personales.
It says that the privacy policy informs users about the data collection practices and that the personal data needs to be collected in compliance with the LOPD and treated in a confidential manner. Users may exercise various rights as for example gain access to the information that is being collected about them as well as revoke authorization to the use of their data.
How Do I Make a Spanish Privacy Policy?
Around the site you’ll find a couple of (green and blue) buttons indicating that you can generate a new privacy policy. Next to that button (before) you will find a dropdown menu with small flags that shows the language settings for the policy to generate.
Choose your privacy policy language right there to start the generation in the correct language.
How Do I Add an Additional Privacy Policy to the Site?
If you already have an English/German/Italian policy running on the site, but you would like to add a second language you may do so from the user dashboard.
When you’ve logged into your dashboard and have chosen the site you’d like to add a second policy to, you may do so in the sidebar on the right:
Along with the document preview you have the language management widget right there at your service.