Dear early followers,
I think you are worth an update about our project of Privacy Policy generator for websites, plus some recent events.
We are working like machines!
StartCup, Business Plan Competition
In September we applied for a local business plan competition called StartCup, joining the material already written for our future investors in an organic plan about Iubenda. The final document was extremely long and well written. I know that many of you will consider this activity as wasted time; having all about product, clients, market, competitors and more combined in a single document is something perfectly useless, but something that makes you think deeply about what you are about to do. I completely agree with this quote: “plan is nothing, planning is everything”.
For the italian readers, here a post where I write about this matter on the blog of Ibrii’s Founder, Stefano Passatordi.
The news is that we arrived fourth, and I consider this as a great victory. We are in developing yet, and our service has not been unveiled. The first three projects were, instead, all industrial products, already funded with money from the government, and at least with fully functional prototype and some patented technology.
When you are the only service-based project mentioned, the only one without a prototype yet, the only one without funds, the only one not yet incorporated, the only one internet-based… well, you have to be happy 😛
And we are 😀
Rome Startup Weekend
Two weeks ago, I (as single) took part to Startup Weekend in Rome, a fool competition in which you have to start with an idea at day one (in the evening) and pitch a demo at day three, working with a team born directly in place.
I did not work on Iubenda, but I joined my friend’s (Giuliano Iacobelli) project, called QuickJobs, idea of a marketplace for micro-jobs you can complete with your smartphone.
The experience was great, thanks to the amazing team I joined.
The final result was that… we won! yeeeeh.
Here you can see the final pitch (Italian):
Great feedback
I’m receiving great feedback about the product. There’s always someone telling me: “Please, do it as soon as possible! Those damned Privacy Policies are a pain!”. I also prepared a complete set of Mockups, receiving compliments from all those who looked at it.
That’s simply great, we daily receive confirmation to be working on the right thing, something deeply encouraging.
An interesting study about websites, and we’ll share it with you!
We just finished the first alpha version of our core engine, and we’ll use it for a study about websites, grabbing really interesting data.
We’ll let you know what are the most used third-party services on the web!
I mean, how many websites use Google Analytics, how many Google Adsense and so on. Aren’t you curious?! These data will be incredibly cool, with some funny statistic extrapolation.
But there’s something important to add. We’ll share this data just for those who subscribed to our mailing list.
Don’t worry, there’s always time for subscribing here.
That’s just inserting your email address, really painless 😉

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About Us

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app
Generate a privacy policy now
Ready in a few steps and built to meet the needs of both website and mobile app owners
Generate your privacy policy now