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The European Commission Sued

The European Commission has been sued: A lawsuit against the European Commission is likely in response to claims that it is transferring personal information about European citizens to the United States in violation of the EU’s own data protection laws. Background In the historic Schrems II decision from two years ago, the EU Court of […]

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CNIL’s latest on Google Analytics

According to the French DPA (CNIL), interrupting the connection between the user’s terminal and the analytics tool server is required to comply with GDPR lawson data transfer when using Google Analytics. This was noted in the opinion issued on July 20, 2022. Background On February 10, 2022, the CNIL issued a compliance order to many organizations utilizing Google Analytics due […]

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CNIL fines Total Energies €1 Million

The CNIL fines Total Energies Electricité et Gaz France €1 million for violating laws regarding direct email marketing. Short on time? We’ve compiled this news into a quick post for your convenience. Context CNIL received several complaints about the difficulties encountered by users when requesting access to their data and opposition to receiving calls for […]

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TikTok and Children’s Safety: A Critical Analysis of New Report Findings

Is TikTok safe for kids? This question is at the heart of a new report focusing on children’s rights on the popular social media platform. In a world where digital spaces are increasingly intertwined with our daily lives, understanding the impact of these platforms on minors is crucial. Below, we delve into the key findings […]

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Garante Blocks TikTok Ads

Tik Tok Ads: the Garante warns against ‘personalized’ ads based on legitimate interest. The legal basis is inadequate, and there is the risk that the ads also target children. Background Through an urgent decision adopted on 7 July, the Garante warned the platform that the personal data stored in users’ devices may not be used […]

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Garante fines company €3,000 for unlawful employee monitoring

The Italian Garante issued Order No. 178, which fined an Italian automotive business € 3,000 for unlawful employee monitoring. In short: Following a report filed by the Guardia di Finanza, the Italian Garante issued Order No. 178, which fined an Italian automotive business € 3,000. The Authority discovered 14 closed-circuit television cameras installed both inside […]

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iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

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iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

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