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Flat Tax 2023: le risposte degli esperti

Oggi abbiamo come ospite uno dei consulenti fiscali di FlexTax per chiarire tutti i dubbi sull’argomento del momento in ambito fiscale: la flat tax.  Per chi non lo sapesse, FlexTax è il servizio di commercialista online che segue a 360 gradi ogni aspetto della gestione contabile delle Partite Iva in regime forfettario e ordinario semplificato, […]

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Flat Tax 2023 Expert Answers

This guest post is written by one of FlexTax’s qualified tax consultants to clarify all doubts about the topic of the moment in the tax field: the flat tax.  About  FlexTax: FlexTax is the online accountant service that follows every aspect of accounting management for self-employed workers under the flat-rate and simplified ordinary regimes, from […]

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Garante: Replika in breach of EU data protection regulation

The Italian Data Protection Authority, Garante, has ruled that Replika, a popular AI-powered chatbot, is in breach of EU data protection regulation. The decision follows an investigation into Replika’s practices, which revealed that the company had failed to implement adequate measures to protect the personal data of its users. According to a statement released by […]

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European Union and United States Strengthen Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence and Computing

The European Union and the United States of America have taken a major step towards advancing the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computing technologies for the public good. The two sides signed an Administrative Arrangement on Artificial Intelligence and computing aimed at addressing global challenges such as climate change, natural disasters, healthcare, energy, and […]

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The Creative Community Sounding the Alarm on AI

This is a commonly discussed concern and now, in response to worries that EU law does not adequately safeguard the creative industries from quickly advancing generative AI technologies like ChatGPT, artist organizations are preparing themselves. AI Art Recent months have seen a rise of concern among individuals involved in the arts due to the acceleration […]

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Twitter Closely Scrutinised by the European Commission

Musk should not undervalue the Commission’s efforts to hold large platforms accountable, the European Commissioner for Transparency and Democracy Vra Jourová cautioned. Regulators are actively watching Twitter and its compliance with data protection laws. Jourová emphasized that everyone must adhere to European digital regulations. It doesn’t matter who owns Twitter; they still hold true. Musk […]

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iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

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iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

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