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As we delve deeper into the digital era, our privacy concerns have become more pronounced. Mozilla’s Firefox browser is stepping up to address these concerns by introducing a significant update that simplifies user control over their data privacy. Let’s dive into what this means for Firefox users and how iubenda’s Cookie Consent Management can complement this new feature.

The Global Privacy Control (GPC) in Firefox

Firefox, in its upcoming version (Firefox 120), is set to enable a feature that could change how we manage our privacy online. This feature, known as the Global Privacy Control (GPC), acts as a universal command, signaling websites not to share or sell a user’s data.

Key Features:

  • Direct Activation: Users can activate the GPC from the privacy settings in Firefox.
  • Reject Targeted Advertising: The GPC allows users to opt out of targeted advertising across the web, eliminating the need to opt out on a company-by-company basis.
  • Supported by Laws: States like California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Montana, and Texas have passed laws requiring companies to honor such universal opt-out mechanisms.

Global Privacy Platform: What you Need to Know →

Implementation in Firefox 120:

  • Default Settings: By default, GPC will be off in normal browsing mode and on in private browsing mode.
  • Comparison with Other Browsers: Browsers like Brave and DuckDuckGo have the GPC setting turned on by default.
  • Previous Versions: Earlier, activating GPC in Firefox required more steps than just checking a box.

The Advertising Industry’s Response

The advertising industry has expressed concerns regarding the GPC, arguing that:

  • Default Settings: Companies shouldn’t be mandated to honor do-not-track settings that are set by default.
  • First Amendment Rights: Universal opt-outs might violate advertisers’ rights by burdening commercial speech.

iubenda’s Role in Enhancing Privacy Control

With these developments, tools like iubenda’s Cookie Consent Management become even more crucial. iubenda’s solution supports GPC, offering users and website owners an easy and compliant way to manage cookie consents and privacy preferences.

Why Choose iubenda?

  • Compliance with Laws: Ensures websites are compliant with various privacy laws.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies the process of managing cookie consents.
  • Integration with GPC: Works seamlessly with the Global Privacy Control initiative.


Firefox’s upcoming release with the Global Privacy Control feature is a step forward in user privacy. This, coupled with solutions like iubenda’s Cookie Consent Management, can significantly empower users in controlling their digital footprint. As privacy becomes a paramount concern, such initiatives are crucial in shaping a more secure and private internet experience.

Stay tuned for the release of Firefox 120 next month to experience these privacy controls first-hand!

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