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Ken Paxton, the attorney general of Texas, has formed a team dedicated to the strict implementation of Texas privacy laws and started a significant data privacy and security program.

The program, which is managed by the OAG’s Consumer Protection Division, will make sure businesses protect Texans’ personal information and respect their right to privacy. With a focus on upholding privacy regulations, the team is expected to grow to be one of the biggest in the nation.

The enforcement of federal laws such as the:

  • Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA);
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA);
  • Data Privacy and Security Act;
  • Identify Theft Enforcement and Protection Act;
  • Data Broker Law;
  • Biometric Identifier Act; and
  • Deceptive Trade Practices Act, will be the primary focus of the data privacy team.
Any entity abusing or exploiting Texans’ sensitive data will be met with the full force of the law.

said Attorney General Paxton.

Stay compliant with iubenda
Learn more about there Texas Data Privacy and security act here.

The TDPSA isn’t the only US privacy law you need to care about — there are others that are already being enforced

Data Governance ActEU data protection reform: General Data Protection RegulationFailing to delete data on 685,000 data subjects

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iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

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Sometimes the best choice is to "just give it a try"

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

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