In a groundbreaking move, Snapchat has recently announced its support for the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a significant bipartisan initiative aimed at enhancing online safety for children. This decision marks a notable departure from its trade group’s stance, adding a new dimension to the debate on children’s online protection. Snapchat, known for its popular […]
Continue readingHey, Apple enthusiasts and tech lovers! There’s some big news coming your way. Apple has just rolled out a series of significant updates for iOS, Safari, and the App Store, specifically tailored for the European Union (EU) region. These changes are a response to the new Digital Markets Act (DMA) and are set to revolutionize […]
Continue readingAre you tired of feeling like your data is being shared across different social media platforms without your control? Well, there’s some great news for European users! Meta, the tech giant behind popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger, is rolling out new changes that put you in the driver’s seat. This exciting update, aimed […]
Continue readingIAB Europe, a key player in digital marketing, advertising, and media, has recently voiced significant concerns about the European Parliament’s draft report on the GDPR procedural regulation. This concern was directed towards the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and came from the LIBE Committee’s draft. The Core of the Concern IAB Europe believes the […]
Continue readingIn a landmark move, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) in 2023 delivered a stern message to businesses everywhere: misuse data at your peril. According to the latest analysis from CSS Assure, a leading cybersecurity and data protection consultancy, the ICO has slapped fines totaling over £14.3 million on 18 businesses for various data breaches and […]
Continue readingIn the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data privacy is a topic of crucial importance, as highlighted by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The emergence of “model-as-a-service” companies represents a significant trend in this space. These companies, which develop and host AI models for use by various businesses, are […]
Continue readingiubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app
This is an ordered set of articles which will help you get a general overview on privacy requirements for your app or website.
Blog & Academy disclaimer: legal news and information do not constitute legal advice.
iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app
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