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Privacy Policies for Google’s Products

Since Google’s privacy policy has previously come under scrutiny by various governments (and that has been fairly well publicized), we’ve put together a piece about a slightly related topic: How many of you do actually effectively comply with Google’s terms for the use of their various products, mainly in regards to the inclusion of legally […]

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Launching our French Privacy Policy

Today we are launching our French privacy policy. Similar to the recent launches we’ve had with our German privacy policy and Spanish privacy policy, we are now offering a short first year discount for the next 48 hours to generate a French PRO policy. This is the last in a series of language additions for iubenda’s […]

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Launching a Campaign: Orwelltest.com

With all the talk about Prism and Tempora we have decided to run a small campaign to highlight the fact that many website owners actually act very similar when it comes to privacy and data collection practices: They collect user data Don’t inform their users about their data collection practices Even though it’s mostly legally […]

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About Us

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

Sometimes the best choice is to "just give it a try"

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

Generate your privacy policy now