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Privacy Policy for Google Analytics

This post mainly answers the question how and why you have to include a privacy policy on your website for Google Analytics. If you want to read a more general overview of Google services that require a privacy policy, then read here If you want to skip all that and just use our generator to […]

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The Making of Orwell Test

Whenever we were confronted with the PRISM leaks we instantly knew that we wanted to do something that would touch upon the scandal. We knew people were angry about the fact that they were spied on without a legal basis and without their knowledge. We went ahead and built a small campaign site called Orwell Test […]

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Privacy Policy for 2Checkout.com

We’ve recently made some changes and added a few new clauses to the privacy policy generator. When you use the following services on your site, you can use iubenda to generate a privacy policy for them: 2Checkout – Accept Credit Cards, PayPal, and Debit Cards Influads – Sell Quality Ads & Sponsorships Also, we have made some […]

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Privacy Policy Online and on Mobile in Canada

Since I’ve come across a great resource by the information and privacy commissioner of British Columbia regarding B.C.’s access and privacy laws (and the ongoing interest in iubenda’s privacy policy by Canadians) I thought I’d write a quick comprehensive guide to privacy policies online and in mobile applications. Quick Start Guide Sign up/Sign in and […]

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1/4 of Top 100 Free Apps without Privacy Policy

A new day, yet another audit about the state of privacy policies. This time it’s the MEF [document removed by target page] (a global community for mobile content & commerce) that shares their findings in a Spotlight on Mobile Privacy Policies [document removed by target page]. The research follows MEF’s Global Privacy Report from earlier in 2013 which […]

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Apple’s App Review Guidelines Updates Privacy Policy Related Sections

Update These articles might be relevant for you and help you out a great bit Update 12.9.2013: How to create a privacy policy for an iOS app Update 24.9.2013: Here is a comprehensive guide on COPPA and websites/apps Update 08.7.2014: Changes coming to App Review Guidelines with iOS 8 Update 21.6.2016: App Store Review Guidelines […]

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About Us

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

Sometimes the best choice is to "just give it a try"

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

Generate your privacy policy now