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Privacy Policy for AudienceRate Analytics: Service Added

We’ve now added AudienceRate Analyitcs to the list of our service integrations. If you are not familiar with Audience, they are a European service provider for behavioral or socio demographic products: (…) Audience target: socio demographic and socio behavioral profile based on some predefined categories. Frequency Covering: the frequency’s curve as regards as the desired target […]

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About Privacy Policies in California

Some of our recent work included making our privacy policy compliant with California’s legislation. As the Do Not Track amendment shows, California has long been a first-mover when it comes to privacy laws in the USA. The state of California is continuing this tradition: in light of the changes and the fact that Californian legislation […]

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Privacy Policies in the USA

This is a short overview on privacy policies for websites and apps in the US. Most privacy related rules are still to be found on a state level, as opposed to a few based on federal law. California is usually setting the pace in privacy law to protect their residents from data hungry organizations. Among […]

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New Service Integration: Wirecard

We’ve integrated Wirecard with iubenda today. Wirecard is a payments solution provider. When you use their services you may processes payment information as part of the payment processing and related services. Therefore we are now offering you our Wirecard clause for the iubenda privacy policy. To generate a privacy policy with a Wirecard clause, just sing […]

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New Service Integration: Google AdWords Conversion Tracking

AdWords has a tool that helps you track which of your keywords perform best called AdWords Conversion Tracking. It’s an analytics tool within AdWords and it can show you what happens after customers click on your ad (for example, whether they purchased your product, called from a mobile phone, or downloaded your app). Iubenda can help you […]

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New Service Integration: Facebook Ads Conversion Tracking

Facebook Ads has tool called conversion tracking that helps you making sense of the ads you are running on the site: Conversion tracking helps businesses measure the return on investment of their Facebook Ads by reporting on the actions people take after viewing those ads. Advertisers can create pixels that track conversions, add them to […]

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About Us

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

Sometimes the best choice is to "just give it a try"

iubenda is the easiest and most professional way to generate a privacy policy for your website, mobile app and facebook app

Generate your privacy policy now